3 Ways to Take Care of Your Skin With Out Spending Any Money

3 Ways to Take Care of Your Skin With Out Spending Any Money

Hello, I am Neil Patel from Myvia Soaps ( www.myviasoaps.com ) Do visit. I am a Microbiologist and a Biotechnologist and a Father of 2 Kids. Every day goes by when as a parent I think that my kids are getting the best nutrition from the readily available sources and is the nutrition getting absorbed well so that my kids' well being is done in a proper manner.
I have figured out , I wont say a hack but an age old technique that we can use so that we can keep our skin in great shape without buying any cosmetics .
Here is the game plan to keep your skin young without digging into your Pockets.
Warning : This blog is written by a human and not AI, so there will be grammatical mistakes and there will be cuss words but the intent behind all this is to inform and inform well…

1. Water WaterWater

70 % of our earth is water and as Residents of this planet God or some higher power or evolutionary process have made us into is having 70% Water and the rest is bone and flesh mass, which inturn also has water…I read a book called Yoga Vasistha
( https://www.amazon.in/Yoga-Vasishta-K-N-Subramanian/dp/8174784225 )
long time back and there was averse in it which mentions that our body can be packed completely in a small match box….that much is water and just so less is solid mass….So I know that you know that we need to drink water and I am again writing it….We need to take almost 2-3 Ltrs of Water per day...Imagine the kind of deep detox effect which it will have, imagine the type of hydration which it will give to all our organs . Now with so much hydration and excretion , the pathways gets cleared and the excess calories will also get lost and our skin in turn will become more and more rejuvenated . 2 weeks it takes to consistently take 2-3 Liters of water per day you will have a better you.

2. Fruit FruitFruit
Nature has so many colors, I need not tell you which colors , you know. Imagine if our body consumes 5 colors of fruits per day. It may not be in quantity but definitely in small proportions, it will have an immense cleansing effect.
For Example : Chicco ( Brown ) , Banana ( White ), Grapes ( Green ) , Papaya ( Peach Color ) , Pine Apple ( Yellow ) , Oranges- Mosambi ( Orange / Yellow ) and Apple ( Reddish - White ) ……if you are rich take Kiwi ( Green ) , Avocado ( Yellowish white) , Those Red big Grapes and may more options. Fruits are going to get digested in 30-40 Minutes. Meaning Immediate energy exchange will happen . You know now that all these fruits have loaded Vitamin C, AntiOxidants and what not. Now tell me 500 Rs of Fruits / Week is better or 2500 Rs of a Cosmetic Cream for Healthy Looking Skin .Whatever you do , do it consistently and as I said 5 color fruits per day for 2 weeks , you will have a better you…

3. Sweat SweatSweat
Ya I know and you know that we need to exercise. Now it's not just the calorie burn which happens during exercise , which is great by the way….and yes it's not just that , Oh I am Sweating so my skin pores are opening up and all toxins are getting out ….yes all that is true, but there is a point which is much beyond all this….The point is who the Fcuk likes to exercise ? No one, if options were given to us humans we probably won't exercise ...we probably will be watching netflix and eating Burgers and fries and slumping in our oh little paradise.
What happens beyond the scene is that our mind and our brain which is giving 1000 reasons not to work out , now is working out and sweating….And while doing so is getting the signal that its the new you which is in control…and when that control happens , icant express my self here but a relaxed command , an assurance happens that in this whole world chaos, for the next 45-60 mins ….the new me is in control , fighting the urges and the distractions.
We humans need assurance and that's why I we lure into Mutual Funds, Insurance and all that ...assurance of a better future….Well if your work out for 45 minutes for 2 weeks every day, no break on a Sunday even…..your mind will give you assurance that its the new you for this 45 minutes is under control . That assurance will calm you down a great deal and that calm will show on your whole body and by default the Skin is going to reflect that stillness……Do it for 2 weeks no break and you will have a new you….
There are many things there but I am running out of thoughts and I don't want to write for the sake of writing.
Lots of love and may every one of us get equipped and be capable to fight and succeed in the challenges which are there and which will come…..
Lastly do look into my store that is www.myviasoaps.com

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