So What Are Cold Process Soaps By the Way?

So What Are Cold Process Soaps By the Way?

Hello, I am Neil Patel, Proprietor of Myvia Soaps ( ) and am Not a Robot. It’s me and me myself who is taking my time out to write this blog which you guys probable won’t read and it’s my eternal selfish motive to state the fact that this is done purely for the sake of SEO and yes educating about the fact that what cold process actually are….
There is a wonderful saying which states like this “Slow is smooth and Smooth is Fast “Cold Process Soaps are exactly that. It cannot be mass produced, it is not an easy process, it is a slow, pregnant process and the final product is something which is above all the best soap which you will get…
Let’s start with the chemistry and keep it simple and stupid…..

Acid + Alkali (Base) = Salt and Water
In Our Cold Process Soaps Case
Fatty Acid ( Oils ) + Lye ( NaOH + Water ) = Sodium Salt of Fatty Acids ( SOAP ) + Water
So we can take different types of oils , in Myvia Soaps Case for Making Cold Process Soaps we take Coconut Oil and Castor Oil….. So we mix both these oils with Lye Solution which is Caustic Flakes + Water….
What the Fuck…..Caustic Flakes, aren’t they supposed to give burns to skin…..ummmm yes they are….But…this is the beauty of this reaction that alone caustic flakes are corrosive and really bad for skin…..but when combined with Oils… becomes soap…..
Oils + Lye = Soap….
It’s that simple and wonderful…..but as simple as it may sound it is much of a touch and feel process …..We soaps makers at Myvia Soaps have to really feel the thickness and its consistency when we mix oils and lye….there is no specific timing that ok 10 Minutes now it’s done….It can be 10 Minutes it can be 30….We keep on mixing the mixture of Oils and Lye and add our herbs and essential oils in a combination and we wait again…
We wait till the time it is almost done….Now when it is almost done, we pour it in our mold loafs and we create our own designs. This is the whole point…the pouring, the design and the art. That is the most satisfying process of all, the art…Now the art is done, we have to keep the Artzy Soaps in our Mold and Keep it tugged in for 1-2 Days.
The Oily Pasty Batter now becomes soap slowly, it much more hard and firm , the designs are looking nice. We unmold the soap and now it’s time to cut. We cut it with a wire cutter and we keep the soaps for Drying (aka Curing) it takes 2 weeks in our case at Myvia Soaps for our soaps to dry. After 2 weeks the soaps are ready…..
Just like a Hollywood Suspense Movie I am going to end the blog here in the middle just for the heck of it….
Kidding!, I know you are bored but Just 3 more lines….Ha Ha Ha…So after we cut and wait for 2 weeks, soaps are dry and ready to be packed, now we wait for your special click and Order Button…we get our hard works worth ….It’s a long process, it takes a lot out of us and I proudly call myself an Artist and not just a Soap Maker….So do visit our site and give our soaps a try…
Lots of Love from my heart which beats Soap SoapSoap ….
Neil Patel ( )
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